Our Team
We have a dedicated team here at Arts Therapies UK with the single aim of supporting as many people as we can on their mental health journey. This work is driven by our talented and dedicated team of paid staff and amazing volunteers
Russel Wall,
Dawn Durrant,
Clinical Lead
Richard Mole,
Arts in Health Lead
Valerie Egan,
Fundraising Manager
Rebecca Fellows,
Support Officer
Mark Driver,
Finance Officer
Emily perks,
Social Media Officer
Our Trustees
We have a dedicated team here at Arts Therapies UK with the single aim of supporting as many people as we can on their mental health journey. This work is driven by our talented and dedicated team of paid staff and amazing volunteers
Wendy Cox
Owen Lee
Jane Clarke
Richard French-Lowe,
Arts Therapies UK was founded by Music Therapist Angela, with a passion to provide creative arts psychotherapies to vulnerable people, who do not have the means to access such support. This remains at the heart of what we do, with the need today greater than ever.