Arts Therapies UK for Schools
What is it?
School life can be complex and difficult to manage for some students, this coupled with challenging home lives and not understanding how to navigate difficult emotions can mean some students need additional support while at school.
Our schools project places a qualified arts therapist in a school for a whole day with the capacity to deliver 5 therapy sessions either for individuals or groups.
Arts Therapies UK therapists deliver therapy across the five modalities: art, drama, dance/movement, music and play. The students do not need to have a talent in any of the art forms to benefit from arts therapy it is there as a tool to engage them in the process and to help create a safe space for self-expression and support their recovery and engagement with the curriculum.
All of our arts therapists are HCPC Registered Psychological Therapists, and they will be within the school to directly support the social, emotional and mental health needs of the students.
The benefits of an arts therapist in a school include:
Increased self-esteem and self-worth for the students
The development of skills to be with others
Strengthening peer relationships
Supporting communication through creativity, enhanced awareness of self and the feelings of others
Prevent and reduce the risk of self-harm and harm to others
Alongside our 1-1 therapy for schools, we have developed programmes to support specific needs such as school readiness and Emotional Based School Avoidance.