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Volunteers - Various Roles

Birmingham, UK

Job Type

Full Time

About the Role

Art Therapies UK has just had its most successful year ever!

We have a dynamic CEO and ambitious management team whose drive continue to expand Art Therapies UK’s reach so it can help as many people as possible. To do this we need the support of dedicated volunteers to compliment the existing skills of the team and also to bring new skills and experiences to the organisation.

Volunteering is an excellent way to give back to your community but it will also help you too. Are you looking for an opportunity to change career but aren’t 100% sure if this is the field for you, volunteer. Do you need to complete work experience hours for your college course, volunteer. Is the day job just too corporate for you and you need something extra, volunteer.

Whatever the reason Art Therapies UK needs you. We currently have the following need:

DIY and building management
Short term project management
Administration and Data management

If your skill set isn’t on the list above but you feel you can help Art Therapies UK achieve, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

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